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Test For Pure Honey

There are thousands of tests for honey, devised by countries which
import honey from other countries. What tests can be performed by an
individual without much equipment are few. Color of hoeny varies
over a wide range.

Impure honeys has become commonplace in the market today, despite
many people's preference for 100% bees' honey. The problem with this
is, unfortunately, fake and impure honey can be passed off as pure
very easily. When viewed on the shelf, it is very hard to pick out
what is pure, and what is not. There are, however, a few ways to
figure this out.

One of the nutrients (sugar) in pure honey precipitates when it is
subjected to cool weather. This precipitation gives an appearance of
sugar crystals. The honey giving more sugar precipitates faster.
Mostly this is mistaken for adulteration. But if the precipitated
honey is kept in a vessel which in turn is kept in hot water it
attains normal liquid state which shows that it has no adulterant.

A cotton wick dipped in pure honey when lighted with a matchstick
burns and shows the purity of honey. If adulterated, the presence of
water will not allow the honey to burn, If it does, it will produce a
cracking sound. You may carry out this test by taking a candle with
cotton wick. Dip the wick in a little honey and light it with a match
stick. If it refuses to burn, then the presence of water is not
allowing the wick to burn. (If there is only a very small amount of
honey on the wick, though, it might still burn. It will produce a
crackling sound, and it would be best to blow out the wick and try it
again this time using more honey.)

Generally honey is adulterated by adding a syrup of jaggery.

Pure honey does not dissolve in water but impure honey dissolves. So
to test it mix a spoon of honey in a cup of water and find out
whether it dissolves to check its purity. If it is pure, the honey
will stick together and sink as a solid lump to the bottom of the

This test can also be completed by mixing equal parts honey
and methylated spirits (denatured alcohol). Pure honey will settle to
the bottom. Impure honey is more likely to remain dissolved and make
the solution milky.

Another simple test is to pour a few drops of honey on blotting
paper and observe whether or not it is absorbed. If it's absorbed,
the honey's not pure. If you don't have blotting paper, pour a little
bit of honey on a white cloth, then wash the cloth. If there is any
stain left by the honey, it is probably not pure.

Crystallized, or granulated honey, is always pure. If you
want to be completely sure that the honey you have bought is pure,
that is the most reliable way.

One test which appears simple but difficult to do is allowing
an ant to walk over the surface of honey in a pan. Pure honey has
sufficient viscocity so that ant walks from one end to other without

When little honey is put on the tongue, it gradually dissoves
in saliva. The residual taste should be bitter

The honey collected by bees from organic flowers and from
plants grown in mineral rich soils, honey has more sugar. While these
days the sugar content in fruits and vegetables is reduced due to
depletion of soil minerals, trace minerals, the sugar content is also
reduced. If you find honey from two different sources is pure, choose
the one which has more sugar content, the one which tests sweeter in
the beginning.

Pure honey will heal diabetic ulcers too, which is the best test
for its antibacterial ingredients.

The antibacterial ingredients of honey are know studied and proven
by modern science too.

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