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Using mobiles for a decade raises brain cancer risk: study

many. But, if researchers in Europe are to be believed, regular
use of a mobile phone over more than a decade raises the risk of
brain cancer.

Yes, according to Swedish researchers, who carried out a study,
long-term users have double the chance of getting a malignant
tumour on the side of the brain where they hold the handset, the
Daily Mail reported in London on Monday.

And, an hour a day on a mobile phone for over ten years, is be
enough to increase the risk. "The international standard employed
to protect users from radiation emissions is not safe and needs

30 mins/day on mobile may harm hearing

"Children should be discouraged from using mobiles because their
thinner skulls and developing nervous systems make them especially
vulnerable. Adults should exercise caution," lead researcher
Professor Lennart Hardell of the University Hospital in Orebro was
quoted as saying.

In fact, Professor Hardell and his fellow researcher Professor
Kjell Hansson Mild of Umea University came to the conclusion after
examining long-term mobile users because cancer can take more than
a decade to develop.

After analysing the results of 11 studies carried out around the
world, the team found found almost all had discovered an increased
risk of cancer of the glial cells that support and protect the
nerve cells.

Those who have used their phones for at least a decade are 20 per
cent more likely to contract acoustic neuromas and 30 per cent
more likely to get malignant gliomas, they said.

There was also an increased risk of acoustic neuromas, benign but
often disabling tumours which usually cause deafness, according to
the findings published in the latest edition of 'Occupational
Environmental Medicine' journal.

Note: I have carried out some experiements myself.After meditation
for 15 minutes or more period and clamin gmyself, I founf that
keeping mobile close to heart does create some small uneasiness.It
might be due to interference of mobile emissions interfering with
electronic pulse wavs controlling heart rhythm.This needs more
study by scientific methods.

So best thing is to use mobile minimum possible.In any case it is
not good to use it while driving , near electroinic instrument and
in aircrafts.

If you want to see the effct, just take mobilenear you PC monitor
and receive a claa or make one.

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