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How yoga Cured Lichen Planus and more

I am ex-servicemen from Indian Army and now I 
am a soldier of your yoga following army. I believe 
now that if this physical body is a gift of GOD then 
'Yoga' is what keeps it going, which further means 
that your Yoga regimen and medicinal regimen as 
suggested by Acharya Balkrishna ji could keep it 
healthy forever. Here I am sharing the health 
benefits that I am enjoying from Yoga and 
Ayurveda so that others could benefit too.

When I was stationed at Tejpur in Assam in 1999 I 
contracted Red and White blisters in my mouth 
which could not be cured and thus Doctors also 
prescribed me for biopsy thinking of them as 
cancer, which was found to be untrue later with my 
biopsy reports from Pune. But the Doctors termed 
it as 'Lichen Planus' somewhat similar to cancer as 
an incurable disease. They said it could never be 
cured and these blisters would keep reappearing on 
their own in due course of time. I could not eat 
properly due to it and thus from 1999 till 2008 I 
lost a lot of weight.
 Fortunately I learned your Yoga and by regularly practicing yoga for the 
next six month the blisters have been cured. I have 
consumed boiled gourd and ridge-gourd for 8 years 
and now I could eat food with gusto. Even I have 
gained 5-6 Kg of weight too. 

Even the Cervical Spondylitis for which I was 
suggested surgery has also been cured with yoga. 
Being an alcoholic I was also suffering from piles 
and shivering of hands which have also been cured 
completely. My Bronchitis Asthma has also been 
cured up to 90%. I would always be grateful to 

to cure your health issue with yoga contact us at

1 comment:

  1. Absolutely yoga has many health benefits. I think everyone should do this exercise regularly to get all these assistances.back pain and neck pain
