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Get slim by Phentermine

In todays market there are many drugs which help in the reduciton of body fat from your body.But most of them are not good for your health.And those who are interested to reduce your weight should select drugs which are not harmful to your body but gives good result to you.
For that purpose the drug Phentermine
  is highly effective.This has been widely used by many people world wide and provides adequate result to them.
Phentermine is a drug under the amphetamine and phenethylamine class. It itself is not an amphetamine. In 1959, the FDA approved this substance as an appetite suppressant drug and since then has been widely used to help obese patients to suppress hunger and lose weight.
The drug acts in the central nervous system mainly the hunger and appetite centres. This means that it works in the brain by stimulating neuron bundles to release a particular group of neuotransmitters known as catecholamines. These include dopamine, epinephrine, norepeinephrine. The catecholamines excite the sympathetic part of the nervous system-the fight or flight response. In turn, it inhibits the hunger signal causing a appetite suppression.
But like all other drugs it is alsonot free from side effects. Some notable side effects of this pill are
• Tachycardia (increased heart rate) and elevated blood pressure, but the incidence and magnitude of these appear to be less than with the amphetamines.
• The drug may increase blood pressure and heart rate. 
• It may also cause dry mouth, constipation, diarrhea, restlessness, and insomnia.

Have a look at the pill at Phentermine Review

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