According to Vedic Astrology when the Moon is situated in the sign
Cancer Astrological sign of that person is called Cancer. The lord
of the sign Cancer is the Moon.
The Principal of the sign Cancer is Jala [Water or Liquidity]
Hence the person having sign Cancer will be governed by the
characteristics of the Moon, and Jala [Liquidity] principals.
Hence the balance of the fluids in the body whose sign is Cancer
must be maintained.
The exercise which causes heavy perspiration should be avoided and
to replenish body fluids fruit juices should be taken after
Exercise till moderate perspiration should be done.
In case when active exercise is not possible steam bath till
moderate perspiration should be taken.
Swimming will be the best exercise for the person whose sign is
In short exercise till moderate perspiration and replenishment of
body fluids by fruit juices will be helpful for the person whose
sign is Cancer
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